ONE2ALL.TV Offers you a unique social experience you have never experienced!
All you need to do is select a stream from a constantly growing list of publicly available streams added other users, and click.
Once you did, stream will start playing but at the same time your mobile device starts sharing this stream with everyone else.
Alternatively you can open your own channel with single click and share your camera.
You can invite your friends to watch the same stream with you.
With ONE2ALL.TV you can also create your own TV Channel, we call it "Virtual Living-Room"(V.L.R) and invite your friends, family or any other guests to join them and watch together. All users can share their camera, audio and text between themselves.
We are publishing all public channels on our website and every user is invited to join the party.
Psst, some of the streams are private. so you can join them only if you are invited..